The Godzilla Game is An Homage to the Monster Icon's Origins
Added: 16.04.2015 0:00 | 8 views | 0 comments
Natsume Atari's upcoming "There were some [monsters] that I had to push on my end, because I wanted them in the game," Fujita said. "One thing was for Mechagodzilla. Three Mechagodzilla are in the game. Originally the plan was to make two Mechagodzilla, the most-different two of them, but I looked at that and said, no, we have to put in three, because I also want Super Mechagodzilla in there. It was important to me. "I wanted all generations [of kaiju] in," he added. "Within those areas I would let developers decide which ones they wanted to go with." Godzilla: The Game launched for PS3 in Japan in December of last year, but an updated version called Godzilla Versus was recently announced for PS4 in the region. The PS4 version has more features; the three-monster battles will be exclusive to the newer console, as will the ability to battle other players online and use Space Godzilla as a playable monster. This content discrepancy will also hold true for the North American versions: The PS3 version will be the same as the Japanese PS3 version, while our PS4 version, the localized Godzilla Versus, will also contain the same extra features. However, the game will just be called Godzilla: The Game for both platforms in the West. So why is this sci-fi icon getting a video game adaptation? Why is Godzilla--and in turn the kaiju phenomenon--so important to popular culture? Fujita believes it's because Godzilla's literal larger-than-life status places him above other genres, like superhero films, in terms of the fantastical. It's something that can never exist, and so we crave it our fiction. "The main element that people are really into is that Godzilla, definitely, is impossible in the real world, it's impossible to have huge monsters fighting one another," Fujita said. "You might have something like Batman or Spider-man, and that''s more down to scale, it's not humanly possible but more down to scale. But the scale of huge monsters fighting one another--it's completely, definitely not possible. It's also just really cool."
| Killing Floor 2 Preview | The Game Scouts
Added: 15.04.2015 1:17 | 12 views | 0 comments
Palmer Sturman: Gore, violence, gunplay, slow motion totally awesome bullet time effects that show off all the giblets flying around on screen Well, that only describes one possible title: Killing Floor 2, one of my most anticipated games of this year. I took some time to play the beta and got to see exactly what Tripwire has up their sleeve for the upcoming release. Whats the verdict, you ask? Well, the verdict is as follows: this is without a doubt a day one purchase. If youre a fan of the previous game, you will love the second outing. If this is your first time, then welcome. Youll enjoy your stay.
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